Hello, fellow SAG members. I have many of the club’s astro equipment stored in my garage. I wanted to try out the SeeStar S50 so I arranged to borrow it from Patrick Hayes for two nights. Patrick is the custodian of the SeeStar and its equipment. He has agreed to checkout and receive back this telescope for club members.
To reserve you chance to try it out in your own yard, email Patrick at hayesp42@rogers.com. Your name will be placed on a loaner wait list.
With the SeeStar S50, I took pictures of M1 (the Crab Nebula), M15 Globular cluster in Pegasus, M33 Triangulum Galaxy and M45 Pleiades.
I then processed them using the free software as described in the YouTube video by Cuiv the Lazy Geek. For the video I refer to, click HERE. I made a cheatsheet of the software mentioned in the video
And for members interested in the other equipment that you might checkout for borrowing, see this list HERE. If you area member and interested in an loan of any equipment in the above list, reach me at this email address: 1948paul.bartlett@gmail.com
Paul Bartlett
Keep looking up!